How To Validate Your Nonfiction Book Idea book coaching writing

You might have several thoughts about what your book will be about, or you may only have one. Before you begin writing, it’s time to put some thought and consideration into your idea. Idea validation is all about knowing whether people are actively searching for the type of book...

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Traditional Vs. Self-Publishing: Which Is Best For You? book coaching book publishing

Do you remember a time before eBooks? It wasn’t that long ago where you’d only shop for books in bookstores. This is what made traditional publishing viable because publishing houses had the monopoly on bookstore distribution. The distribution channel for those publishing houses meant...

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7 Limiting Beliefs Holding You Back From Writing A Book book coaching writing mindset

If it were easy, everyone would do it. I'm sure you've heard that saying before. The fact you're even thinking about writing a book puts you in the upper percentile of ambitious, high-achieving individuals. There are many complex challenges you would have already faced in life that you've come...

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5 Reasons Why Every Coach Should Write A Book book coaching business growth

It's funny how life works. A few years ago I was writing books, getting attached to the process of writing. So much so, it's why I became a book coach, because there's nothing I love more then being in the trenches with clients to bring their book idea to life. 

Coaching is a powerful...

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Three Common Mistakes When Writing Your Nonfiction Book book coaching writing

Writing a book is a challenging experience - I get it. After taking three years to publish my first book through procrastination, doubt and expectations, I know first hand the major mistakes you can make when writing and publishing your nonfiction book. 

Sometimes our ambition gets the...

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6 Reasons Why You Don't Need A Publishing Deal book coaching book publishing self publishing

The book publishing landscape is an ever-evolving, ever-trending industry where aspiring authors aren't aware how quickly they can have a copy of their book in their own hands. For decades, traditional publishing houses have been gatekeepers to publishing success, providing opportunities for...

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