Best Tools For Writing Your Nonfiction Book book coaching productivity writing

Writing a book can be pretty challenging. But knowing what's available to you can really make the process quick and effective. If you haven’t started your draft yet, these tools are what I recommend when writing. Of course you may have your own preference and what you’re...

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The Do's and Don'ts Of Self-Publishing Your Nonfiction Book book coaching writing

As an upcoming author, you hold the power to educate, inspire and impact your readers and potential clients with a powerful book. But as you already know, with power - come's great responsibility. You have a responsibility to yourself and your readers to create a well-researched and trustworthy...

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How To Write A Powerful Introduction For Nonfiction book coaching writing

“The first impression is the best impression”. How familiar is that statement? It not only holds true in the people we meet but also in the books we write. The introduction of a nonfiction book serves as the gateway to a powerful reading experience. Your introduction is what shapes...

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The Power of Nonfiction Storytelling #writing book coaching

If there's one element of the writing process that can elevate your nonfiction book from bland to an unforgettable experience, it's the art of storytelling. Readers today love to be told a story. If you've read any of my books, you'll know I tend to begin each chapter with a story - a true story...

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15 Ways To Write Your Book In A Short Amount Of Time #writing book coaching

Writing a nonfiction book is such an incredible journey. Although it requires dedication and perseverance, you don't need to strain yourself trying to get a manuscript done. When I first wrote my book 'The 6 Pillars Of A Rewarding Life', I thought I had to spend hours every day or every few days...

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Why Impact Matters When Writing a Nonfiction Book #writing book coaching

In the nonfiction writing space, writers often find themselves at a crossroads between the desire to be recognised as an author and the vision of making a meaningful impact. While achieving best-seller status is a gratifying goal to experience, it's crucial to understand the importance of value...

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