15 Ways To Write Your Book In A Short Amount Of Time

book coaching productivity writing Aug 25, 2023

Writing a nonfiction book is such an incredible journey. Although it requires dedication and perseverance, you don't need to strain yourself trying to get a manuscript done. When I first wrote my book 'The 6 Pillars Of A Rewarding Life', I thought I had to spend hours every day or every few days writing. It wasn't the case. I was more productive when I consistently wrote for 30-60 minutes Monday-Friday. 

I'm here to guide you on in building your writing habit so you can transform your aspirations into a fully developed manuscript. Here are fifteen practical steps that will turn the problem of consistent writing into a powerful routine.


1. Set Clear Goals

Begin by clarifying your nonfiction writing goals. What do you want to achieve through your writing? Is it to educate, inspire, or share your expertise? Write them down. When you have written goals and remind yourself each day, it makes it easier to prioritise your writing.


2. Define a Writing Schedule

Consistency is key when building a writing habit. Decide on a specific time each day when you'll dedicate uninterrupted time to writing. Whether it's early in the morning, during lunch breaks, or in the evening, having a consistent schedule makes writing a part of your daily routine. What time of the day works best without any distractions? Find that time and write down the following:

I will write at [insert specific time] in [insert the location you'll write at], [insert how many times per week]

Here's what I wrote down during my first book: 'I will write at 6am in my office, 4 times per week'.

Writing down the specifics helps rewire your brain into knowing that's what's required. 


3. Start Small

When you begin creating your writing habit, remember that small steps lead to big accomplishments. Start with a manageable daily word count or time limit. Even writing for just 15 minutes a day can help you develop the habit and overcome resistance. If you find thirty minutes is too much, start with the fifteen and work your way up. Or if you find it too easy, increase the time limit. You want to find a balance between challenge and boredom. 


4. Create a Dedicated Writing Space

Like you wrote down the location earlier, you need to know EXACTLY where you'll write. Free the space from distractions and only work with the tools you need (laptop, notebook, etc.)


5. Embrace Rituals 

Rituals signal your brain that it's time to focus on writing. Consider incorporating a brief pre-writing ritual – like making a coffee or listening to a productivity playlist. Whenever I find myself unable to focus, I'll put a productivity playlist on Spotify and it helps me zone back in. 


6. Commit to Consistency

Building a writing habit requires commitment. Treat your writing time as sacred and non-negotiable. Even on days when motivation wanes, honoring your commitment to the habit will ensure consistent progress. The key is to not think continually think about what it will be like when you publish your book. Commit to thinking about each section, then each chapter and you'll start to feel confident, becoming more excited to keep pushing forward. 


7. Break Down Tasks 

Writing a nonfiction book can feel overwhelming, but breaking down the task into smaller, manageable steps makes it achievable. Set milestones for yourself and celebrate each one as you work toward completing your book. This comes from pre-planning your outline. When you've got an outline in front of you, you know what you have to do. All it takes is deep focus and allow yourself to get immersed in the creativity of what you're writing. 


8. Minimise Distractions

Distractions can derail your writing habit. It goes without saying. Turn off notifications, put your phone on silent, and close unnecessary tabs on your computer. The more focused your writing environment, the more productive your sessions will be.



10. Embrace Imperfection

Not all you chapters you write will be perfect. That's what editors are for. Give yourself permission to ONLY write and not edit any of your work. Remember that your initial drafts don't need to be perfect. One of the biggest challenges I see with writers, is they're unable to maintain consistency and confidence because they're thinking about the previous chapter they've written. When you only focus on what you're currently writing, you get into the flow of the topic. If you're editing as you go, that's when doubt starts to creep in. Just know the words you put on paper will be organised at a later time. 


11. Track Your Progress

Document your writing progress to visualize your growth. Whether it's a word count chart or a simple journal, seeing how far you've come can be incredibly motivating. In my Publish To Impact Toolkit I offer a word count spreadsheet. This is one of the best ways to stay motivated and consistent during the book writing process. 


12. Reward Yourself

Reward yourself for achieving your daily or weekly writing goals. Treat yourself to something enjoyable – a glass of wine or beer, a walk in nature, or a few minutes of relaxation. Acknowledge your productivity allow some time to reflect on your progress.


13. Seek Accountability

Having an accountability partner can greatly enhance your writing habit. Share your goals with a friend, writing group, or mentor who can provide encouragement and keep you on track. In my Publish To Impact Facebook Group, you'll find plenty of support there. 


14. Embrace the "Sloppy First Draft"

When building your writing habit, focus on generating content rather than perfection. Embrace the concept of the "sloppy first draft" – it's about getting your ideas down without worrying about polished pages.


15. Celebrate Milestones

Celebrate your achievements along the way. Completing chapters, reaching halfway points, and finishing drafts are all significant milestones that deserve recognition. Reward yourself, but with something a little extra. Buy yourself something nice, or invest in the future of your book.


Build Your Writing Habit

Building a writing habit is all about the preparation that allows you to continue writing so your book can come to life. So commit to the process. Show up for your scheduled days, embrace the inevitable challenges, and celebrate your successes. Your nonfiction book is waiting to be written, and with a clear and defined writing habit, you're well on your way to making it a reality.

If you need help with your nonfiction book idea, book in a clarity call below, otherwise download my free strategy guide that puts you in the right publishing direction.


This is the 15 minute call where Blake de Vos talks through your book idea and helps you create an outline for your book to see what's possible. 


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