Every business owner has a story, and Blake’s journey from a directionless uni student to a bestselling author, speaker, and entrepreneur began in 2016.

Blake spent six years completing what should have been a three-year degree, ultimately graduating with a 51% pass mark. He found university frustrating and couldn't understand why he disliked studying a subject he loved—business. Initially, his dream was to land a corporate job and climb the ladder, but he quickly realised that his fulfilment comes from pursuing your passions, rather than being confined to a 9-to-5 job under someone else's direction.

After graduating, Blake's fascination with productivity and habit-building led him to start writing articles on human performance. His passion for boxing and skill development fueled his exploration of these topics, but his writing was more than just an intellectual pursuit—it was a personal journey. Blake struggled with the pressure he placed on himself to excel in boxing, often setting standards that felt overwhelming. Writing became his way of coping, a therapeutic outlet that helped him navigate these challenges and channel his energy into something productive.

This writing process brought Blake clarity and balance and laid the foundation for something bigger. Inspired by the articles he had written, Blake decided to write his debut book, The 6 Pillars of a Rewarding Life.

However, the road to publication was anything but easy. It took three years to complete the book, as Blake grappled with mindset challenges, self-doubt, and the pressures of bringing his vision to life. Determined to succeed, he invested in a structured process and rewrote the entire book within six months. In November 2022, The 6 Pillars of a Rewarding Life was published, debuting at number 13 on the bestseller charts alongside titles like Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life and Hugh Van Cuylenburg’s The Resilience Project.

This success marked the beginning of a transformative journey that led to the creation of Idea To Impact. To prove his method wasn't a fluke, Blake published Evolve Your Skills—another bestseller—within six months, released in April 2023.

As Blake evolved, so did his focus. He transitioned from being solely an author to becoming a book coach and publisher. His book, Publish To Impact, not only became a bestseller in the "Business Writing" category but also laid the foundation for his Idea To Impact experience. This experience teaches business owners and professionals how to turn their expertise into a book that generates income beyond just royalties—demonstrating that a book can be a powerful asset in building a successful business.

In just 18 months, Blake published three books—two of them bestsellers—launched the Publish To Impact podcast, started a business and transformed his books into keynote presentations, leading to invitations to speak at prestigious universities. He did this while working a full time job, proposing to his fiancé, travelling around Europe and still getting in his boxing training.

Now, with over 3,000 books sold, Blake's mission has evolved into something greater: helping business owners turn their ideas into impactful books that drive real success. This led to the creation of Idea To Impact, an experience that goes beyond just writing a book. It’s a transformative journey that aligns Blake’s love for learning, growth, and skill development with the unique vision of each author he works with.

Through this experience, Blake guides business owners from the initial concept to the moment their book makes a lasting impact, all while making sure they maintain balance in their personal and professional lives. His commitment is to empower others to achieve the same level of success and influence that he has experienced, turning their ideas into powerful assets that resonate and make a difference.


We're in a fast-paced, ever-changing world. But there's one thing at our core we believe should never slow down: The power of human connection through storytelling. Your story deserves to be told, and at the heart of Blake de Vos and Idea To Impact is a deeply human-centered, focus not just on the book you publish, but on the ongoing influence your story and message has on others.

We value the author behind the book and the ripple effect of their words long after the final page is turned. Because to us, the true impact of a book lies in the stories it continues to inspire and the lives it continues to touch.

Every Business, Every Book.

We believe that turning business owners' dreams into reality should be the norm, not the exception. Becoming an author shouldn't be a pipe dream—it's a powerful way to share your expertise, build your brand, and make an impact. We're here to help you take that step, guiding you through every part of the process so that your book becomes a valuable asset to your business and beyond. Let's normalise business owners writing books and realise your dream of becoming an author. 

Freedom Dreaming.

You have the right to dream, and you have the right to achieve those dreams. Our mission, through Idea to Impact, is driven by a passion to help you realise your dreams, including becoming an author. This journey opens up a new sense of freedom. A freedom of expression, creativity, and impact. We believe that your story, expertise, and ideas are powerful tools that can transform not only your own life but also the lives of others. By guiding you through the journey of becoming a best selling author, we aim to help you unlock doors to new opportunities, personal growth, and a create a lasting legacy.

People First
Putting people at the centre of everything we do is such an important aspect of what we do. Whether it's our clients, collaborators, or team members, we prioritise human connection, understanding, and empathy.

We are committed to building relationships based on honesty, transparency, and trust. Our word is our bond, and we hold ourselves accountable for everything we say and do.

Collaboration and Community
We foster a collaborative environment where ideas flow freely, and everyone has a voice. We believe in the power of community and work together to create meaningful and lasting impact, helping others to level up.

Growth and Learning
In a world that's always moving forward, we infuse growth and continuous learning into everything we do. We challenge ourselves and others to push boundaries, explore new possibilities, and achieve the impact we all dream of.

Innovation with Purpose
We are driven by innovation that serves a purpose. We strive to create better experiences for the legends within Idea To Impact while anticipating the challenges of tomorrow, always with a focus on the human element.

Excellence and Impact
We are dedicated to delivering excellence in everything we do. Our goal is to make a positive impact on the lives of those we work with, helping them reach their full potential and make their mark in this world.



Idea To Impact isn't just a business...

Idea To Impact isn't just a publishing company...

Idea To Impact is where your ideas come to life, fueled by human connection and driven by a commitment to growth.


We'll work together to clarify your book goals, and determine if we're the right fit to bring your book idea to life!