How To Write A Powerful Introduction For Nonfiction book coaching writing

“The first impression is the best impression”. How familiar is that statement? It not only holds true in the people we meet but also in the books we write. The introduction of a nonfiction book serves as the gateway to a powerful reading experience. Your introduction is what shapes...

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How To Validate Your Nonfiction Book Idea book coaching writing

You might have several thoughts about what your book will be about, or you may only have one. Before you begin writing, it’s time to put some thought and consideration into your idea. Idea validation is all about knowing whether people are actively searching for the type of book...

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Three Common Mistakes When Writing Your Nonfiction Book book coaching writing

Writing a book is a challenging experience - I get it. After taking three years to publish my first book through procrastination, doubt and expectations, I know first hand the major mistakes you can make when writing and publishing your nonfiction book. 

Sometimes our ambition gets the...

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Write Your Nonfiction Book With Your Audience In Mind book coaching writing

Writing a book is an exciting process. It's easy to get caught up in what YOU want to write instead of what your readers want to hear. Tailoring the content to meet the needs of your audience is what will help them connect and impact your audience. This brief article will explore the...

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Why Are You Writing Your Motivational Book? book coaching writing

So you've been thinking about writing a book? Or perhaps maybe you've already started?

When beginning your book writing journey, it's essential to clarify your goals and motivations. I know first hand the struggles of writing without a reason. Writing becomes arduous and a chore. By...

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Four Ways To Become An Effective Writer writing


How often do you find yourself lacking the inspiration to write, only to put it off until you find it again? Well, I’ve got some news. More than likely, it’s not the inspiration that’s lacking. It’s the lack of time and productivity that’s challenging you....

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