Use The Laws Of Motion For Productivity

productivity May 12, 2023
laws of motion for productivity

How do we use the laws of motion for productivity? Imagine a basketball team scoring 10 points in a row. All of a sudden the scoring dries up. The team loses energy and the opposing team makes their run, scoring the next 10 points. The two teams are in an arm wrestle with the team who builds momentum for longer becomes the winner.

Now ask yourself, ‘What happens if I lose momentum in the task I’m doing’. Imagine that the opponent scoring those 10 points on you is what’s affecting you from being productive. Is it TV? social media? being tired?

What you'd find is that you actually knew what is keeping you from being productive. You’ve known this whole time but just haven’t been able to fully understand because the other team is currently winning, therefore your performance is not where it should be. To further understand productivity and momentum, we can look at the Law of Motion which was compiled by Isaac Newton. These laws are also used as an analogy from author and entrepreneur James Clear.


Law of Motion 1


An object that is at rest remains at rest unless an external force acts on the object. An object that is in motion remains in motion unless an external force stops the object in motion. For practicality purposes, use yourself as an example;

  • Are you Productive? If so, then you are in motion.
  • Are you not productive? If so, then you are at rest.

Based on Newton's first law, to be productive, all it takes is for you to start moving or going through the initial motions of completing a task. For us to achieve our next goal or next task, we need to think about what it takes to get it done. Understand that to be productive, all we need to do is take the first couple of steps that lead to completing a task.

A person stops being productive when there’s an external force that’s knowingly and deliberately stopping the person from working, Hence, ‘an object remains in motion unless an external force stops the object in motion’. If you are working on a task and have your phone or laptop with social media open, then the external force (social media distraction) is stopping your productivity.

It’s important to note that if an external force can stop your productivity, so can an internal force. The internal force is you getting in your own way of being productive. Using the example of social media distraction, we can think that the internal force that stops us from completing a task initially is the decision we made to pick up the phone and start scrolling. Based on Newton's first law of motion, productivity is determined by the willingness to work, move and act. So to be productive, just start moving towards accomplishing your goals and be aware of your productivity.


Law of Motion 2


Force = Mass x Acceleration. This translates to the quantity of work multiplied by the speed of work is equal to your productivity. The amount of work we take on determines the pace in which we go at that defines the quality we produce.

Productivity= Vector

Amount you work you put in= Magnitude

Goal/Outcome= Direction

The vector involves how much work you are putting in and where the work is directed at. If you want to be productive, it’s not about how hard you work (magnitude). It’s about where you are applying your work (direction). This holds true in any decisions you decide to make, whether they’re big or small. You only have a certain amount of force to provide your work, and where you place that force is just as important as how hard you are working. When you build this momentum, it becomes sustainable.


Personal Example


I wanted to write books, build a website and create content. But I also wanted to fight competitively, which required dedicated commitment to boxing training every day. I was doing this all whilst working a full-time job. I tried to pursue two goals at the same time. My productivity levels were divided and achieving my goals were not fast or efficient. This damaged my productivity and I had to figure out what was more important to me and what made my life more enjoyable.

After some reflection, I chose to give up boxing training to compete and work on building something that would give me fulfilment. The direction I had was singular, which allowed me to accomplish goals that I've already achieved and others I'm well on my way to achieving. I still enjoy boxing training and won't close the door on competing, but I felt happier and fulfilled in creating content.

Newton's 2nd Law of motion is reflective on making sure that choosing the goals we decide to go for are just as important as the amount of work invested we invest to achieve them. The amount of time I invested in my boxing whilst writing was a reflection of my productivity levels, but also my overall stress levels were through the roof, all because I was focusing on too much at one time.


Law of Motion 3


When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction on the first body. This refers to the idea of equal and opposite forces.

We all have a speed of productivity in which we perform. In this case, productivity is determined by the positive and negative forces acting on us as we work, which cause us to be either productive or unproductive. Examples of positive productive forces are; positive thinking, self-discipline, focus, good habits. The negative productive forces are seen as stress, anxiety, lack of sleep, absence of necessary skill etc.

When we want to power through a goal or task, we should realise that it won’t work in the long run. By focusing on removing the opposing forces that damage our productivity, we are able to build momentum that is more sustainable. This is also a much less stressful way and is a more natural way of being productive.


Continue to Build The Momentum


The three laws of motion will help you to build momentum for productivity. In understanding these analogies, it's important to acknowledge we need momentum to be productive. When it comes to goals and tasks, use these three laws and they will help avoid procrastination for maximum results. It's amazing how efficient we are when focused and have momentum in our favour.



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